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Name a Star

Buy a Star: Name a star as romantic gift idea

Price: $15 US Dollar

Name a star and Star Baptism, Design 1 Name a star and Star Baptism, Design 2 Name a star and Star Baptism, Design 3

We bring the stars from heaven for you ✰

What will your eye partner do when you give her a star? That is exactly what is possible here: Baptize a star in your name - even double names such as. Martina & Martin are possible. With this romantic gift idea you are always right. The Name a Star by Star Baptism makes it possible.

Here you can name a star in the sky after a loved one.

All stars are brighter than magnitude +8.0, or closer than 50 parsecs.

A very original gift idea for couples in love.

After receipt of payment you will receive your Name a star documents as a PDF (US Letter Format: 215.9x279.4 mm)) by e-mail

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Name for the Name a Star Certficate:

Name a Star by Star Baptism

✰ Name s Star: Background Knowledge ✰

Below we have put together some useful hints that you should know if you named a star or a star was named after you.

Can i buy a Star?

No, Like the well-known International Astronomical Union (IAU), we reserve the right to name stars and register in our star registry.

The International Astronomical Union is not the one and only OFFICIAL agency which names stars and other celestial objects. Every agency has the right to keep its own star register.

No, no one can acquire the right to a celestial object. Celestial objects are a legacy of humanity and no one is allowed to dispose of them.

How does the baptism of the stars work?

The Name a star by Star Baptism is a private association of private individuals and amateur astronomers. In the star database of the Name a star by Star Baptism your star baptisms or star sponsorships are registered.

Name s Star as romantic gift idea

Name a star by Star Baptism Index offers you the opportunity to acquire a romantic gift idea of a very special kind: the sponsorship for a star or a star baptism. Show your loved one who your star is and call a real star after him.

Name a Star as a romantic gift idea

Name a Star, the International Star Register offers you the opportunity to acquire a very special kind of romantic gift idea: the sponsorship of a star or a star christening. Show your loved one who your star is and name a real star after them.

Naming a star, including star sponsorship

During a private star christening (or star christening, also star sponsorship or star sponsorship), a star designated by a catalog number is named with a name of your own choosing.

In science, all stars are designated by catalog numbers to allow for easy identification. The internationally known International Astronomical Union (IAU) is usually cited as the authority in the field of star naming. This organization assigns the names according to internationally recognized criteria and expressly distances itself from the commercial providers of star christenings. Only very few stars have a traditional name that goes beyond this, which can also vary from country to country.

There are commercial providers who generally name stars for a sum of money and enter them into a register. These entries have no scientific or official meaning and only exist in the respective company-owned or other privately maintained list and on a printout provided to the customer. It is a purely symbolic gesture that anyone can carry out themselves. Since the different providers each keep their own lists, it can happen that several 'christened names' are assigned to a single star. The brighter and therefore rarer a star is, the higher the probability that such multiple naming will occur. For the purchase price, the buyer receives a certificate produced by the company that contains the baptismal name and other text as well as, if necessary, a detailed map that shows a section of the constellation of the baptized star. In some cases, an image of the star or a supplementary sheet containing detailed astronomical data for the selected star beyond the coordinates is also included.

The service is often advertised with an entry in a so-called international register. As a rule, this register is just another website of the respective commercial provider. Legally, only an entry in a company's private star register is purchased; the buyer has no rights to the star itself or to its official name or marking.

Name a Star by Star Baptism are also used by non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the astronomical environment (observatories, planetariums, astronomical clubs and institutes) as a fundraising or marketing tool. The prices for a commercial star christening vary greatly. The range goes from free to several hundred euros.

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