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Piece Of America in all 50 States of America

Give the gift of a piece of America in all 50 states of America 50 States of America

Properties in all 50 states in the USA

With this gift idea you will become a co-owner of one piece of property in each state. The property is one Inch square foot.

You will receive: An Certificate and a Map of the States of the U.S.A. and Customer information about where the individual properties are located in each state.

Price: $10.00 US Dollar

Name for the Certificate:

This item will be sent to you as a PDF Document (US Letter) by email after receipt of payment. No printed documents will be sent by post.



Adults, children - especially the "person who has everything" — are sure to be thrilled with this unusual and unique opportunity to Own a Piece of America with a personalized DEED TO THE UNITED STATES providing ownership of one square inch of land in each and every of the 50 states. It's a one-of-a-kind collectible that will be cherished for years to come. These very special Deeds make wonderfully unique personalized gifts.

Whether for yourself or a friend or relative, the individually numbered personalized legal land deeds make unique birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, unusual anniversary gifts, unique gifts for Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, graduations, retirements, any holiday even the Fourth of July.

How much land do I really own?
Exactly as stated: ONE SQUARE INCH.

What can I do with it?
It's almost easier to tell you what you can't do with it. (See below). Mostly, you can simply be able to say "I own land in (...)". You can print the certificate and show it to all your friends or hang it at home or in your office.

What can't I do with my land?
You cannot live on the land (hard to believe, huh?). The deeds cannot be sold by the owner for a profit and owner shall not receive any Income or derive any other financial benefits whatsoever from the parcels or any or all portions of the property.

What responsibilities, financial or otherwise do I have? International Real Estate Ownerships is the managing agent of the property and will be responsible for all real estate taxes on the property and for complying with any and all local regulations.

For how long do I own my land?
You will remain as a registered land owner on International Real Estate Ownerships "Property Listings" (Informationbroschure).

Is the land registered with the state (or states) in which I own land?
This is a "non-recordable" deed although ownership records are being maintained by International Real Estate Ownerships. You will remain as a registered land owner on International Real Estate Ownerships "Property Listings and not on the state's records since International Real Estate Ownerships holds title to each of the master properties (Co-Ownership of an square foot in all 50 states).

Is this legal?
Yes. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the deeds are not intended for investment purposes and cannot be sold by owners for profit. They are novelty items and intended as such.

Can I declare legal residence in the state in which my property is located?
No. Nor can you use the land for any other legal purposes such as getting a library card, drivers license, or passport to name a few.

What if I or someone strikes oil on my property?
Don't move to Beverly Hills. All mineral rights are reserved and as stated and approved by the SEC, owners shall not receive any Income or derive any other financial benefits whatsoever from the parcels or any or all portions of the property.

Who owns the land? International Real Estate Ownerships holds title to each of the (Co-) master properties (an sqare foot in all 50 states) and International Real Estate Ownerships but your Deed to your one-inch parcel is yours to keep forever.

Do I have to pay real estate taxes?
No. There are no follow-up costs.

Do I have any responsibilities?
No. International Real Estate Ownerships is the managing agent of the properties will be responsible for everything. That means, for example, you'll never be required to mow, pick up trash, or comply with any local, state or federal regulations.

Can I pass this down to my heirs?
The property is not transferable, but can be ordered to the new co-owner online at any time on our homepage.

What will International Real Estate Ownerships do with the land? International Real Estate Ownerships will not develop or improve the land, except possibly with state or local government approval to enhance or beautify the property for public use and enjoyment.

Covenants and Restrictions

WHEREAS International Real Estate Ownerships is the Co-owner of all the land as described on this website (an square foot of land in each of the 50 states of the United States) and

WHEREAS International Real Estate Ownerships has received "No Action" letters from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the New York State Department of Law acknowledging that the issuance and/or sale of these deeds does not constitute the sale of a security and that these deeds will be issued for novelty purposes only, not as an investment. NOW, THEREFORE; International Real Estate Ownerships, establishes the following covenants, restrictions, limitations, and reservations upon each of the parcels and on the ownership, use and occupancy there of:

→ Owner shall not occupy the parcels.

→ The deeds cannot be sold by the owner for a profit and owner shall not receive any income or derive any other financial benefits whatsoever from the parcels or any or all portions of the Property.

→ This is a "non-recordable" deed although ownership records are being maintained by International Real Estate Ownerships

→ International Real Estate Ownerships will not develop or improve the land, except possibly with state or local government approval to enhance or beautify the property for public use and enjoyment.

Unusual gifts